Volunteer at The White Home
Historic Rock Hill has numerous ways to assist our mission and have fun at the same time. Check out ways to get involved below.
Maintaining the flower gardens
Assisting with group tours
Acting as step-on guides for tour buses
Providing specialized education tours
Planning and helping with events
Assisting with gathering historic data on Rock Hill
Decorating for holidays
Partner with Historic Rock Hill
Partner with Historic Rock Hill
Historic Rock Hill welcomes all Boy Scouts and Girl Scouts seeking ideas for their Eagle, Silver, or Gold award projects to explore impactful project opportunities on our property. Choose from pre-approved projects or propose your own idea – we're happy to help!
To ensure a smooth experience, we ask Scouts to:
Complete required forms for yourself and volunteers beforehand.
Meet with our team to discuss project options, resources, and guidelines.
Communicate regularly throughout the project, providing updates and timelines.
Submit design plans and materials for approval before implementation.
Recycle waste generated during your project.
Need More Info?
Contact our Executive Director, Jennifer Sandler at jsandler@historicrockhill.com